SALADA CAPRESE reviews à bolonhesa

April S. Chang

BiographyAPRIL S. CHANG is an LA-based producer originally from Atlanta, Georgia. Having had her start in the music video world, she is a lover of the place where film, music, and art meet. She served as an associate producer on THE BIKERIDERS starring Austin Butler, Jodie Comer, and Tom Hardy, which had its theatrical release in June 2024 after its world premiere at Telluride. Her short-form work has been featured at Sundance, Vimeo, and the Atlantic. She is currently the Manager of Creative and Talent Development at Rideback RISE, the non-profit POC content and creator accelerator founded by Dan Lin in 2022. When she's not doing film things, you can often find her at the beach or holed up with her cats playing video games.